Chairs: Riadh Gouider and Maged Abd El-Naseer
The first speaker, Marwa Farghaly, started the session with a presentation on ‘Dementia in Arab world: challenges and new hope’. According to her findings, the Middle-East North-Africa (MENA) countries are the fastest growing… Continue Reading
EAN Congress news
EAN NewsEAN Congress news
Navigated transcranial ultrasound: the next revolution for neurotherapy?
June 21, 2021Clarification (July 1, 2021): The “must see” symposium “The next revolution for neurotherapy? Navigated transcranial ultrasound for surgery, blood brain barrier opening and neuromodulation” presented leading scientist and clinicians from the novel field of Ultrasound Brain Therapies. Prof. Andres Lozano… Continue Reading -
EAN NewsEAN Congress newsTop Articles
Networking Session: Challenges for women in neurology
June 21, 2021Dr Antonella Macerollo, Editor-in-chief, EANpages Professor Moro introduced the networking session dedicated to challenges for women in the field of neurology. Three female colleagues from different countries and with different backgrounds were involved in this session to provide advice to… Continue Reading -
EAN NewsEAN Congress newsTop Articles
Controversies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: MRI, to be, or not to be, that is the question
June 21, 2021Dr Tom Jenkins, Editor-in-chief, EAN website This session, chaired by Professor Massimo Filippi, pitted two world-leading ALS neurologists against each other in a debate on the role of MRI in diagnosis. The session started with a poll of participants’ current… Continue Reading -
Here are your recommendations for the final day of the EAN 2021 Virtual Congress, provided by officials and speakers connected with the congress. If you’re watching on-demand, you might also like to check out our articles for Day 1, Day… Continue Reading
EAN NewsEAN Congress news
From management to heartful guidance – Special Skills Session
June 21, 2021The first EAN Special Skills session (for members only), given by Mrs Windhausen, took part on Sunday, 20 June at 8:00. On the way from management to become a heartful, holistic leader, the first thing you have to consider is… Continue Reading -
EAN NewsEAN Congress news
EAN/EFIC Controversies in pain research: migraine with brainstem aura and neuropathic pain
June 21, 2021by Martin Rakusa Part 1: Does migraine with Brainstem Aura exist? Migraine with brainstem aura (MBA) is a rare subtype of migraine with aura. Its pathophysiological mechanisms are still not understood, and proposed clinical criteria may not be specific enough… Continue Reading -
Sunday evening at the EAN 2021 Virtual Congress was also Sunday afternoon at the EAN 2021 Virtual Congress, while for 90 minutes Room Amsterdam hosted a Special Timezone Session on Tropical Neurology from the Pan-American Federation of Neurological Societies (PAFNS).… Continue Reading
EAN NewsEAN Congress news
Special Session of RRFS: PhD and the neurology residency: why, when and how?
June 20, 2021by Viktoria Papp This session was organised by the EAN Residents & Research Fellows Section, specifically for future neurologists, neurology residents, and neurologists at the beginning of their career, to inspire them to pursue an academic or research career such… Continue Reading -
On Sunday, June 20, the Presidential Symposium brought together four top speakers from the world of neurology, all of whom were invited to deliver named lectures. This invitiation is the highest honour bestowed by the European Academy of Neurology, reserved… Continue Reading
Continuing our series of recommended sessions for the EAN 2021 Virtual Congress, below are a selection of tips for the 3rd Day, from speakers and officials connected with the congress. Look out for another article tomorrow about Tuesday’s sessions.
Elsa… Continue Reading
Resident and Research FellowsEAN NewsEAN Congress newsEducation corner
22nd EAN Spring School 2021 (Virtual) 21-23 May: Final Report
June 20, 2021by Magda Dohnalová & Irena Rektorová The Spring school 2021 was planned to take place in person until the last minute, but in March we had to make a decision to transform it into a virtual event again – as… Continue Reading -
EAN NewsEAN Congress news
Special Session 5: EJON More than a gut feeling: The gut brain axis in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
June 20, 2021Professor Kristl Vonck and Professor Radu Tanasescu introduced the Special Session on the gut brain axis on Saturday afternoon, with lectures given by four experts in this field: Professor Sarah Vascellari, Professor Hartmut Wekerle, Professor Filip Scheperjans and Professor Katrien De Looze. -
AdvocacyBrain HealthEAN NewsEAN Congress newsFeatured Slider
EAN Advocacy Talks: Introduction on Brain Health in General
June 19, 2021The first of the new series of Advocacy Talks was dedicated to the topic of general health of the brain, unlike the others, which are concentrating on specific diseases. The talk ran live on EAN TV and was moderated by… Continue Reading -
by Juliette Dufour This is the return of the Brain Challenge after one year missing because of the COVID-19 pandemic! Hosted once again by Professor Marie Vidailhet, this year the level was really high. Two teams faced each other with… Continue Reading