Few years ago we were proud, when Prof. Richard Hughes called the Spring School for Young Neurologists one of the brightest stars on the sky of the EFNS. Also in 2014 Magda Dohnalová has given all the preparatory agenda maximal solicitude. It has brought final satisfaction of our 125 participants.
EAN News
Here you will find news from the EAN as well as updates on their activities.
The Preliminary Programme of the 1st Congress of the European Academy of Neurology is online now. Please visit www.eaneurology.org/berlin2015!
Dear Young Neurologists! The EAYNT would like to present an update on our scientific activities organised in the interest of young neurologists during the Joint Congress of European Neurology in Istanbul, Turkey 2014.
Opening Ceremony at the ICC, Saturday, May 31, 2014 - Harbiye Hall - 18.30-19.30 h
Please visit the EFNS-ENS booth (# D15) during the exhibition hours (Sat-Mon. 10h-17h; Tue 10.30-15h) of the Joint Congress of European Neurology.
The Patient Day – organised in cooperation with the Turkisch Neurological Society, EFNS/ ENS and EFNA in Hamidiye Hall at the ICC, Saturday, 2014-05-31 8.30-10.30 The aspects of the relationship between patients and physicians are changing due to the knowledge… Continue Reading
Saturday, 31 May 2014 11.00-12.30 - Hamidiye Brain Disorders: The Communication Challenge Focus on Traumatic Brain Injury
We are happy to inform that the final programme is online on the congress Website You can download the pdf of the final programme or use the iPlanner to update your calendar.
On March 15, 2014 the last Management Committee Meeting of the EFNS took place at EFNS Head Office in Vienna, Austria. All Commmittee Chairpersons presented their reports and their proposals for the European Academy of Neurology. The reports can be… Continue Reading
1. The members of the Scientific Committee (SC) at present are:
In the past year, the EFNS TEC has continued working with the same leadership.
In the past 6 months, the EFNS SubCommittee has continued working with the following leader- and membership: Jan Kuks, The Netherlands – Chairman Members: Thomas Berger, Austria; Vitalie Lisnic, Moldova; Serefunur Öztürk, Turkey; Ex-officio-member: Jean-Marc Léger (chairman Training & Education committee)
The committee was founded in 2009 and the members are: Thomas Berger, Austria, Chairman Members: Michael Brainin, Richard Hughes, Detlef Kömpf, Jan Kuks, Jean-Marc Léger, Anthony Schapira, Hannah Cock (ENS), László Sztriha (EAYNT) Observer: Wolfgang Oertel (MDS-ES).
by Gian Luigi Lenzi Editor in chief: Gian Luigi Lenzi
Co-editors: José Ferro, Christian Krarup, David B. Vodusek NEUROPENEWS has been published on the 1st of every month through all the year 2013 & 2012 and is planned to… Continue Reading -
EAN News
Istanbul 2014 – Uschi Tschabitscher Prize – Tournament for Young Neurologists
April 1, 2014The 2014 participants of the Tournament for Young Neurologist will receive a travel grant to Istanbul, a free congress registration and up to four nights’ accommodation as well as a travel grant: Tournament 1 – Basic neurology
Sunday, 1 June… Continue Reading