The EAN may endorse proposals from other organizations as for example: scientific programmes from international or national meetings and conferences organized by other neurology related organizations or national neurological societies, policy statements related to neurology from other European or international organizations and publications from other organizations.
EAN News
Here you will find news from the EAN as well as updates on their activities.
13th Annual Update Conference on Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology
February 20-21, 2017 Jerusalem, Israel, The conference will be held this year in Jerusalem on February 20-21, 2017. The conference will feature two parallel streams and workshops. Participants are invited to… Continue Reading -
52nd Turkish National Neurology Congress
11th ESO Karolinska Stroke Update Conference
Since August 2016 the European Academy of Neurology is a member of the Guidelines International Network (G-I-N). The G-I-N is an international non-profit-distributing association of organizations and individuals involved in the development and use of clinical practice guidelines.
Annual Meeting of the German-Austrian-Swiss Epilepsy Working Group (DACH-AK)
ECTRIMS Annual Congress 2016 – London, UK, September 14-17
Prof. Cesare Fieschi passed away last June in Rome (Italy) at the age of 84.
This summer, EAN signed a Memorandum of Understanding with our colleagues at the European Federation of Neurological Associations [EFNA].
Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to develop your professional standing, leadership skills, and to make new neuro-friends from across Europe?
Members of our standing committees kindly serve EAN for a 4-year term. Therefore, we need to renew part… Continue Reading -
EAN News
European Brain Council Consensus Document “The need to expand brain research in Europe” (2016)
July 1, 2016In 2016, the EBC published a third Consensus Document on European Brain Research. The previous versions – published in 2006 and 2010 – can be found here. -
Brussels, Belgium (23,24 May 2016) The SIP 2016 meeting was a two day event which EAN endorsed and agreed to participate in.
Prof. David B. Vodušek, Chair of the EAN Liaison Committee, took actively part in the meeting as a… Continue Reading -
Second international meeting of the Milan Center for Neuroscience, Prediction and prevention of dementia: new hope – Milan, Italy, July 6-8, 2016
University of Milano-Bicocca A new hope is arising to defeat Alzheimer Disease, the major cause of dementia, now… Continue Reading -
European Journal of Neurology Performs Well in 2015 Impact Factor Rankings
EAN News
The Secretary General at the annual meeting of the Moroccan Society of Neurology (Société Marocaine de Neurologie).
June 15, 2016The 10th national congress of the Moroccan Society of Neurology was held in Marrakech, May 5th to 7th. The SMN is one of the associated institutional members of the European Academy of Neurology.
Under the presidency of Prof. Nahza Birouk… Continue Reading