In this issue of Neuropenews we would like to invite you to read the following interesting articles which were kindly chosen by our Subspecialty Scientific Panel on Higher Cortical Functions.
- Redick, Thomas S., et al.: “Measuring working memory capacity with automated complex span tasks“, European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2015)
- Brenner, Colleen A., et al.: “The role of encoding and attention in facial emotion memory: An EEG investigation“, International Journal of Psychophysiology (2014), 398-410
- Kadohisa, Mikiko, et al.: “Spatial and temporal distribution of visual information coding in lateral prefrontal cortex“, European Journal of Neuroscience (2015), 89-96
- Sidhu MK, et al.: “Memory fMRI predicts verbal memory decline after anterior temporal lobe resection“, Neurology 15 (2015), 1512-9
- Hobson, J. Allan, and Edward F. Pace-Schott: “The cognitive neuroscience of sleep: neuronal systems, consciousness and learning“, Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2002), 679-693
- Schenck, Carlos H., and Mark W. Mahowald: “REM sleep behavior disorder: clinical, developmental, and neuroscience perspectives 16 years after its formal identification in SLEEP“, Sleep (2002), 120-138.
Raphael Bene, MD
Croatian Institut for Brain Research
Center for medical ethics, communication skills and palliative care.
University of Zagreb’s Medical School
Zagreb. Croatia
Member of the EAN Scientific Panel Higher Cortical functions