The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European life science industries, has launched its first call for proposals, including a topic focusing on neurodegenerative diseases.
The IHI Call 1 is a single-stage call, announced on 28 June, with topics on cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and health data. The deadline for the call is 20 September, 2022. Topic 1, which will be of most interest to EAN members, is An innovative decision-support system for improved care pathways for patients with neurodegenerative diseases and comorbidities.
The topic details describe the following outcomes to be expected from projects supported under this topic:
- A (sustainable) re-usable, interoperable, easily adaptable, and scalable digital platform, capable of translating a heterogeneous and fragmented set of complex measurable and analysable health data elements into a clinical-decision-support system that can guide patients to better health and quality of life. Initially designed for patients with neurodegenerative diseases and comorbidities, the platform’s easy adaptability ensures its re-use in other health areas for the benefit of healthcare professionals, patients, families, and carers, thereby promoting its wider use.
- A sustainable framework for collaboration across specialities and all relevant stakeholders to foster social innovation to decrease the burden on patients, families, and carers and to develop models to incentivise/maintain collaboration and ensure feasibility of future implementation.
For more information on the call, please visit the IHI Call 1 page of IHI website or check the full call text here (PDF).