Originally EAN planned to organize an Autumn School course for residents in neurology in October 2020 in Greece. Unfortunately the pandemic situation in Europe did not allow this course to take place and we were forced to cancel it. Our Teaching Course sub-Committee decided that last year’s topics would be moved to this year. On Thursday, April 22, 2021 an Autumn School teaser webinar was launched to those who had expressed their interest to participate in EAN Autumn School last year.
Speakers of the course topic “Muscle weakness“ accepted our invitation and gave the introductory lectures.
Roland Wiest, TCsC member in charge of the Autumn School programme, chaired the evening.
Our participants had the opportunity to hear lectures from Maria Judit Molnar (Budapest, Hungary) on “Lesion topography and pattern recognition in patients with neuromuscular disorder” and by Gabriele Siciliano (Pisa, Italy) on “Neuronal origin of Muscle Weakness (upper and lower motor neuron (UMN and LMN) syndromes including also cranial nerves)”. Third speaker, George K. Papadimas (Athens, Greece) rounded up the evening with his lecture on “Junction/Muscular origin of Muscle Weakness (Myasthenia Gravis, Myopathies, including eyes, diplopia, ptosis)”.
Thirty five participants from 15 countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Egypt, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and United Kingdom took part in the webinar. During the lectures they were able to test their knowledge in polling questions and at the end they had the opportunity ask questions in the Q&A round with faculty.
The webcast will be ready by July for all EAN individual and RRFS members and will also be the basis for the Muscle Weakness Day during the in-person Autumn School from October 7-11, 2021 in Greece.