From September until November 2012 a questionnaire on how our readers like Neuropenews was online.
Unfortunately we did not get much response, i.e. only 90 persons filled in the form. Still it was interesting to see the opinion of this small number of readers. 90% read Neuropenews on a regular basis and to get it automatically by e-mail on the first of each month.
If you do not get Neuropenews automatically each month, please register on and click “receive newsletter”.
The favourite category of articles in Neuropenews is the Top12 articles and interestingly, the News from the EFNS, but also the President’s Page and the Grand Rounds… Although the Grand Rounds were not rated as the favourite category within Neuropenews, this is the most visited page and the one we get most comments for. They should be a good educational tool for young neurologists; this was mentioned by several persons within the comments to the questionnaire.
Other information we got was that it is important for our readers and members to be in regular contact with the EFNS and that Neuropenews is a good facility for this.
Altogether Neuropenews seems to be well accepted and we are proud of a readership of more than 3000 persons per month.
We than everybody who filled in the form! If you would like to send your opinion on Neuropenews, please send it to
The winners of the EFNS packages including an EFNS tie/scarf and a Syllabi CD-Rom are:
Kateryna Antonenko
Artem Chepa
Vera Daskalovsk
Veronika Datieva
Pavllo Djamandi
Ramazan Doka
Bahaa Hassan
Zoran Tomic
Indre Valanciene
Nevena Zhereva