By Matthias Endres
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is indeed a great honour for me to be elected as a new Member-at-Large of the EAN board.
Especially in these times of great uncertainty both medically and politically I believe that it is of utmost importance to a have strong and united voice in Europe. I have a very high appreciation of what the EAN has achieved over the last few years and the success of the recent virtual congress gives a convincing example of this. As a Member-at-Large, I will not bear the responsibility to chair a dedicated committee but this also provides opportunities. One of the challenges and beauties of present Neurology is the ever-widening spectrum of our knowledge about neurological diseases, along with diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities that did not seem possible only a few years ago. Of course, these scientific advances go along with specialisation and departmentalisation. My own scientific background is neurovascular diseases and neurointensive care. At the same time, I believe that the future of Neurology will be brighter if it remains one discipline rather than dividing up into different sub-disciplines and that our residents should receive training in all aspects of clinical Neurology. Also, I believe that is very important that there is ongoing and lively exchange with the different national and European neurological as well as disease-specific societies.
I would like to thank the Assembly of Delegates and the EAN Board, especially Professor Bassetti, and also for a very warm welcome. In these times of apparently seamless video-conferences, our first face-to-face meeting will be in October in Vienna, and I am indeed very much looking forward to this!
Best regards,
Matthias Endres, FEAN, FESO
Information about author:
Matthias Endres is Director of the Department of Neurology at the Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany.