BioMed Alliance Coordinated Statement on research budget
Ahead of discussions on the new Multiannual Financial Framework (EU Budget for 2021-2027) during the European Council Summit on 20-21 June, the BioMed Alliance together with the EU Health Coalition partners published a statement advocating for a more substantial EU research budget.
The BioMed Alliance called upon Member States to adopt a bigger Multiannual Financial Framework and thus a higher Horizon Europe budget with appropriate funding allocated to the Health Cluster. This is essential to strengthen the European research sector, facilitate innovation and improve public health.
The BioMed Alliance leads the Research and Innovation Group within EU Health Coalition, which brings together different stakeholders in the healthcare field. Jointly with partners, we drafted these recommendations with the ultimate aim to enhance the health research landscape in Europe. The statement calls for an increased EU budget for health research, setting-up a cross-sectorial health research Public Private Partnership and better coordination and support for health research
An article published by the journal ‘Nature’ shows how progress in biomedical science has led to breakthroughs in healthcare, but that challenges including ethical and financial challenges persist.
Nature article on added value of health research
BioMed Alliance president-elect Wilfried Ellmeier was interviewed for this article and referred to one of the ethical challenges in biomedical research, the appropriate use of the CRISPR–Cas9 technology which is used to edit genomes.