Health research in Europe needs and inclusive and long term policy to achieve better health and wellbeing of citizens and to create societal and economic value for Europe.
The BioMed Alliance together with MEP Christian Ehler work towards the establishment of a Steering Board for Health – SBH, meant as a stepping stone towards further interaction with the European Commission after the Scientific Panel for Health will end its term by the closure of the Horizon 2020 framework.
The Steering Board for Health should be considered as a pilot and a first step towards the establishment of a European Council for Health Research
The European Parliament plenary voted on the Horizon Europe reports last Wednesday.
The Steering Board for Health description (Amendment 21 Proposal for a decision Article 12 a (new)) can be found here .
The BioMed Alliance issued a statement towards the establishment of a Steering Board for Health.
The statement can be viewed here.
For further information please contact the BioMed Alliance at