Members of the European Parliament – MEP Interest Group “Brain, Mind and Pain”
How the EU can #MakeWorkWork for young people with neurological disorders
Ensuring good work for young people affected by neurological disorders and chronic pain conditions will be the theme of an upcoming meeting organised by the European Federation of Neurological Associations [EFNA].
Taking place in the European Parliament, Brussels on February 21st from 12-2pm, the meeting will hear testimonies from young people with multiple sclerosis and chronic pain on the challenges they face in retaining a job following diagnosis.
A panel will then discuss what can be done to better enable access to work, with a particular emphasis on the role of the European Institutions.
EFNA hopes that a series of recommendations will arise which they can take forward in their advocacy activities, which – over recent years – have focussed on the area of equitable employment.
Additionally, this event will launch a series of EFNA activities during 2018, which will focus more on the needs of young people living with neurological disorders.
The results of an upcoming survey aimed at 18-35 year olds, will be presented at EFNA’s booth in the exhibition area at the forthcoming 4th EAN Congress in Lisbon, Portugal (June 16 – 19, 2018).
A workshop for young patient advocates will be convened in November 2018. This will coincide with EFNA’s Neurology Advocacy Awards which – this year only – will be for a young advocate, young doctor and young policy-maker.
If you would like to hear more about this event or associated activities, you can visit: or Or you can email: