The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) hosted the latest European Brain Health Summit on 19 March, bringing together key international voices to raise awareness of brain health and provide an opportunity for dialogue and collaboration between stakeholders, this time centring on the topic of Brain Health for a Resilient Europe.
The event was broadcast live on the EAN website and a recording of the full programme is now available to watch on demand.

Speakers and panel members at the summit were:
Welcome address
Paul Boon, Past President of the European Academy of Neurology & Brain Health Mission Co-Chair
Building a Resilient Europe through Brain Health Promotion
Elena Moro, President of the European Academy of Neurology
Jan Schadrack, Roche Therapeutic Area Head Neuroscience and Rare Diseases, Global Medical Affairs
Robin Lemmens, Felllow of European Stroke Organization
Andreas Demetriades, Past President of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
Tomás Ryan, Chair of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Advocacy Committee & European Brain Council Board Member
iGAP Two Years On: Implementation in Europe & Beyond
Tarun Dua, Head of Brain Health Unit, WHO
Reaching the iGAP objectives
Claudio Bassetti, Vice-President of the European Brain Council & Chair of the Swiss Brain Health Plan
Paul Boon, Past President of the European Academy of Neurology & Brain Health Mission Co-Chair
Donna Walsh, CEO International Bureau for Epilepsy, Chair of OneNeurology
Konrad Rejdak, Past President of the Polish Neurological Society
Agnese Cattaneo, Chief Medical Officer Angelini Pharma
Concluding Remarks
Johan Van Overtveldt, Member of the European Parliament
For more information about the programme and to watch the full recording, please click here