by local organisers Prof. Zaza Katsarava and Prof. Tamar Akhvlediani
The latest EAN Regional Teaching Course took place on 7-9 June in Tbilisi, Georgia. The teaching course was attended by neurologists and residents from all regions of Georgia, as well as international participants from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Romania, and Poland.
This three-day course was focused on important fields in neurology such as stroke, infections of the nervous system, sleep disorders, neuromuscular diseases, and headache.
The first day was opened by the organisers of the course, Prof. Zaza Katsarava and Prof. Tamar Akhvlediani, followed by a video welcome address from EAN President Prof. Paul Boon. After the opening session, the day continued with the topic of the session: stroke. Prof. Else Sandset from Norway presented Pre and hospital workflow for acute stroke treatment; and the session continued with Quality of the pre-hospital and in-hospital stroke care in Georgia by Prof. Zaza Katsarava (Germany and Georgia); Rare causes of Stroke by Prof. Patrik Michel (Switzerland), and Intracerebral bleeding – what is new by Prof. Alexander Tsiskaridze (Georgia).In the afternoon, the interactive workshops continued the topic of stroke with interesting case discussions covering stroke mimics, and anterior and posterior stroke syndromes. Prof. Tamar Janelidze (Georgia) presented preliminary results of a study on The Incidence rate and risk factors for early re-hospitalization of stroke patients in Kutaisi. The programme was completed by an Update on Vascular Dementia presented by Prof. Marina Janelidze (Georgia).
At the end of this busy day the faculty and participants enjoyed a gala dinner with beautiful Georgian dance and singing. It was also an opportunity to witness the musical talents of doctors: the Georgian Doctors Club presented an impressive mix of Georgian and international music pieces. Prof. Klaus Toyka charmed the audience with his violin performance.
The second day was dedicated to neuroinfections. The EAN Scientific Panel on Neuroinfections was fully engaged in this effort. The day was opened by Prof. Tamar Akhvlediani (Georgia) with an overview of Neuroinfections in Georgia: endemic, emerging and re-emerging pathogens. Prof. Johann Sellner (Austria) discussed Viral infections of the nervous system: herpes, TBE; West Nile, Dengue. The remaining topics were: Neurosyphilis and neuroborreliosis by Prof. Pille Taba (Estonia) and Meningitis: Meningococcus, Pneucocccus, TB by Prof. Bettina Pfausler (Austria). The afternoon session was opened by Prof. Giorgi Kandelaki (Georgia) reviewing Intrathecal Antimicrobial Therapy in Patients with Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis. The afternoon session was continued with interactive workshops focusing on the CSF testing and test interpretation in neuroinfections and clinical case discussions.
The topics of the third day were headache, sleep disorders, and neuromuscular disorders. The day started with Prof. Messoud Ashina’s (Denmark) talk on The future of headache treatment. Prof. Zaza Katsarava (Germany and Georgia) reviewed the problem of Headache in Georgia; then 20 years of Georgian headache Society was presented by Prof. Geiorgi Gegelashvili (Georgia). The session continued with Sleep and Neurology by Past President of the EAN, Prof. Claudio Bassetti (Switzerland) and Myasthenia Gravis and Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome: Pathogenesis and Treatments by Prof. Klaus Toyka (Germany). In the afternoon session, Prof. Bassetti addressed the audience and reviewed EAN Neurology Curriculum/General Neurology. The afternoon session continued with Prof. Madona Sekhniashvili discussing Critical Illness Polyneuromyopathy-update. The session ended with a workshop on Clinical Electrophysiology: Nerve Conduction Studies: Basics and Clinical Aspects conductedby Prof. Toyka. The final day was concluded with the exam and the closing ceremony. The participants received certificates of attendance.

As part of the social programme of the course, the faculty visited Mtskheta, the ancient capital of Georgia and the monastery of Shiomgvime. The visiting faculty was offered a tour of old Tbilisi conducted by a professional tour guide.
We were happy to see great interest and excitement from the audience and very positive evaluations from our distinguished faculty. The Regional Teaching Course is a great opportunity offered by the EAN and we very much appreciate being able to use it. We are grateful to the EAN administration for their continuous support in organising our teaching course.