The first 20 participants of the EAN Leadership Programme reached the halfway point of the programme in Helsinki at EAN 2024. The second onsite workshop was again held by two external leadership experts (Katharina Mitterbauer and Claus Lackerbauer). The participants reflected on their progress during the past year and found new topics and peer-groups for the upcoming one.

The workshop started off with the participants’ final peer group presentations. During the last year, four groups have worked through the content of five online modules related to their peer group topics. The final outcomes and findings were presented in Helsinki. As a second step, participants had the chance to reflect on the past year, give feedback and explain their needs and wishes for the next year.

With different activities and exercises to promote group dynamics and team spirit, the participants started into the afternoon. For the upcoming year, they have formed new peer-groups based on their individual interests and have already discussed how they would like to organise their future cooperation.
After this workshop, the participants will have five more online workshops and further peer-group meetings before they meet again in person to conclude the programme at EAN 2025 in Seville as Certified Leaders of European Neurology.
Thanks to all participants who took part and carried out lots of fun tasks given by our trainers throughout the day with full enthusiasm!
The second round of the programme will kick off in Seville in 2025. Keep an eye out for this opportunity and check out our website and social media channels for more information about the application deadline.