by the European Brain Council (EBC)

The EBC is pleased to fully kick off the No Health Without Brain Health campaign in the lead up to the upcoming EU Elections, aiming to increase public and policy awareness around brain health in Europe and beyond. Society is facing brain challenges like never before — improving the health and wellbeing of citizens has become the top priority for many governments and brain health should not be left behind. This is a pivotal year as 64 countries worldwide will host major elections and major political, economic, and overall societal shifts and instability continue to take place. This initiative aims to put a spotlight on the urgency of addressing the growing burden, the socioeconomic impacts, and the need to significantly increase investment in the brain R&D space.
The campaign, which will run until the formation of a new Parliament and Commission in the autumn, aims to increase attention for brain health, not only from within the wider brain community but also from EU policymakers and the public, to place the brain higher on health and research policy agendas to ensure that more resources are channelled towards prevention awareness, research on the brain and for the 179 million Europeans currently living with some form of brain condition.
With its annual Brain Awareness Week event as a first pillar of the campaign, EBC plans to position brain health deeper in the political narrative to advocate for increased recognition, prioritisation and investment in the brain space, focusedaround thePledge for Science, Global Call to Action and EBC 2024 EU Elections Manifesto.