We are proud to announce that the eanCampus has been awarded both the 2023 Comenius-EduMedia-Seal und 2023 Comenius-EduMedia-Medal for excellence in e-Learning!
Awarded by the Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V. (GPI), the Comenius EduMedia Awards honour excellent digital education in a number of fields. In 2023, over 200 applicants were rated based on the pedagogical, didactic-methodical, media-design and organisational-technical criteria. A jury, made up of representatives from the GPI first rates all submissions and then selects recipients of the Comenius-EduMedia-Seal. All of these recipients are then eligible to be nominated for the even more selective Comenius-EduMedia-Medal.
Based on this process, the eanCampus was one of only 21 winners awarded both the Comenius-EduMedia-Seal und Comenius-EduMedia-Medal in 2023!