by Ulf Kallweit, EAN Programme Committee Chair
Dear EAN Members, colleagues, and friends,
With one month to go until the 9th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, it is my privilege to provide you with a little preview of what to expect, and some reminders of some important things to bear in mind.

As Chair of the of the EAN Programme Committee, it has been an honour to be so closely involved in the creation of this congress, and I am confident that we have managed to compile a scientific and educational programme that will meet the highest of expectations. As usual, the strength of our programme is in the combination of invited sessions—planned long in advance by our excellent Programme Committee and Scientific Panels—with the content drawn from the abstracts submitted by our fantastic neurology community. Having received more abstracts than for any previous onsite EAN congress, we have had a wealth of high-quality material to work with this year, and I think this will be clear to all participants.

In terms of invited sessions, I am particularly looking forward to some very special Plenary Sessions. As most of you will already be aware, we have lined up an exciting Opening Session, featuring Nobel Laureate, Thomas C. Südhof (pictured), delivering a lecture titled Towards a cell biology of Alzheimer’s disease. We will also welcome a trio of highly distinguished speakers, Silvia Arber, Mary M Reilly, and Josep Dalmau, to present three thrilling named lectures during the Presidential Symposium, which will surely be one of the highlights of the congress.
Nobel Laurate, Thomas C. Südhof (above) will give the Opening Lecture at EAN 2023
As usual, much of the congress programme will be tied together by our overarching theme, which this year is Neurology beyond big data. This will be a common thread that you will see running throughout the programme, in all invited sessions, including several sessions specifically addressing this topic, touching on telemedicine, artificial intelligence, and precision health. All of these sessions will aim to address the various ways we can analyse and apply the vast volumes of data that we increasingly see in neurology and related fields.
Thanks to the innovations introduced during the ‘online-only’ years, we will again be streaming our programme online for participants who choose not to travel to Budapest, via our Virtual Congress Platform. Virtual registration for EAN 2023 is even free of charge for EAN members. Of course, those who do join us onsite will also be given full virtual access, providing them the option to re-watch their favourite sessions or catch up with those they missed.
Tools such as the Virtual Congress Platform provide a wonderful opportunity for a wider community to access the invaluable content of our congress, but one of the great benefits of visiting the congress in person is the ability to interact directly. The chance to meet and greet old and new friends is a beautiful and integral part of a professional event like ours. Taking a stroll around the exhibition, discovering new products and services, and catching up on the latest developments in technology is another experience that feels like an essential part of the congress. We will again be joined by a great number of industry partners in Budapest, and I encourage you all to thoroughly investigate their stands and booths in between sessions. The exhibition is one of the more difficult aspects to truly replicate online, but we will again be offering a Virtual Exhibition for our online participants, opening a few days ahead of the congress, on 27 June.

The EAN Booth will also be present both onsite and online, to welcome you to the congress and answer all your questions about the EAN’s many activities. I know our Head Office staff will be eager to talk to as many of you as possible about the huge range of wonderful opportunities the EAN has to offer, so please drop by, say hello, and find out what we can do for you.
Finally, I would like to remind all potential congress participants to be mindful of sustainability issues. The EAN makes a great effort to reduce our impact as far as possible, but holding an event of such a size comes with some inevitable cost in environmental terms.

Therefore we urge you to consider emissions when planning your journey (rail connections to Budapest are very reliable); make good use of the excellent public transport network in Budapest; and please give some thought to offsetting your carbon footprint. For information about what we are doing onsite to minimise our environmental impact, please click here.
All that remains to say is: if you have not already registered, do so! Greatly reduced fees are available for EAN Members right up to the start of the congress, with virtual registration options in every category. Click here to get started!I look forward to seeing you in Budapest in July!
Best wishes
Ulf Kallweit, EAN Programme Committee Chair