It is with great sadness that we announce that Professor Ettore Beghi passed away on 10 October at the age of 75, in Milan, Italy. While it is tragic to think about Prof. Beghi leaving us too soon, he left behind a lifetime of outstanding memories.
He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of University of Milan in 1972; subsequently, he completed a post-doctoral clinical fellowship at the Neurology Clinic of the University of Milan, followed by a Master of Pharmacological Sciences Research, Istituto “Mario Negri”, Milan. He also was Research Fellow at the Department of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, in 1982-83.
Since 1996, he was Head of the Laboratory of Neurological Disorders, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, in Milan, Italy. He was Past Head and staff member of the Regional Epilepsy Center, Ospedale di Monza, Milan.
Prof. Beghi was Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology and a member of the World Federation of Neurology. Moreover, he was an active member of several national and international scientific societies and committees, such as ILAE, IBE, Cochrane and served on the Editorial Boards of several scientific journals. As one of the founders of the Italian Neuroepidemiology Association, he later went on to serve as President as well. He also served as President of the Italian League Against Epilepsy and as a member of the Italian Society of Neurology and also greatly contributed to the development of the Neurological Sciences Journal.
At the European Academy of Neurology, Prof. Beghi played several important roles, as he was also Chair of the Neuroepidemiology Scientific Panel. More recently, he played a pivotal role in building and developing ENERGY, The EAN NEuro-covid ReGistrY. He was co-chair of the WHO Neuro-COVID follow-up working group, and an active contributor and member of the Global Burden of Diseases Study, co-chairing the Italian burden of neurological diseases.
His research activity was particularly focused in neuroepidemiology of epilepsy and motor neuron disease on a global scale. He published more than 480 scientific papers and was one of the pioneers of multicentric neuro-epidemiological studies in Italy and one of the references at global level for neuroepidemiology. Notably, he had a unique talent in networking, bringing people together, and managing their enthusiasms.
Prof. Beghi was a great teacher and mentor to several young neurologists and research scientists, and a dependable friend, known for his absolute kindness and commitment to advancing science and improving the lives of neurological patients. His advice and guidance will continue to carry through the joys and challenges that research has to offer
During his life, Prof. Beghi made everybody feel special and included in the group and helped hundreds to build confidence along the way. He was a truly kind and thoughtful man who set a lasting impression on everyone he met. His deep laugh and kind eyes warmed the room and brought life into all activities. His cheerful attitude and bright smile will be dearly missed.
Prof. Beghi is survived by his beloved wife, Maria Lidia, his three children Massimilìano, Emanuele and Nadia, and his grandchildren.
Thank you, Ettore, for your legacy of enthusiasm, kindness, compassion, and generosity!
Matilde Leonardi, Chair EAN Communication Committee
Elena Moro, EAN President-Elect
Claudio L. Bassetti, EAN Past-President
Elisa Bianchi, Susanna Franceschi, Giorgia Giussani, Maurizio Leone, Elisabetta Pupillo Laboratorio di Malattie Neurologiche, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milan, Italy
On behalf of the EAN Board and of many colleagues and friends from all over the world, we honor the memory of Prof. Ettore Beghi.