The European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND) and EAN are holding joint free educational webinars on rare neurological and movement disorders. These one-hour webinars take place throughout the year and are presented by international experts. They cover various aspects from more general clinical features, examination, disease diagnosis, medical interventions, and disease management to more specific ones such as use of scales or imaging. Adult and paediatric neurology are both covered.
Below you will find the joint webinars planned for the upcoming month of September.
Further information about ERN-RND webinars in collaboration with EURO-NMD and the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) is available here.

Topic: Vanishing white matter
Date: 13 September, 15-16h CET
Speaker: Marjo van der Knaap, Amsterdam University Medical Center, the Netherlands
Focus: Paediatric
Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3Smfe1C

Topic: Tau-targeting Therapies: Where are we heading to?
Date: 20 September, 15-16h CET
Speaker: Günter Högglinger, Hannover Medical School, Germany
Focus: Clinical studies
Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3PUhdZz

Topic: Clinical and genetic predictors of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
Date: 27 September, 15-16h CET
Speaker: Daniel Weiß, University of Tübingen, Germany
Focus: Deep Brain Stimulation
Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3zRrEaC