Being a part of the EAN and participating in the congress 2022, you can actively shape the future of the upcoming EAN activities by evaluating the attended sessions and the whole congress. Give us your feedback and help us raise the quality of future EAN events.
Sessions and speakers’ evaluation
Evaluate & get your certificate!
If you need a certificate, please evaluate the sessions you have attended. Evaluation of the sessions will be available for onsite and online participation. Onsite participants are welcome to visit the “Self-registration/Evaluation station” or the MEET booth and evaluate the sessions there, apart from using their own devices.

CME certificates, including a record of attendance, will be available only upon evaluation of the educational and scientific sessions.
Evaluation deadline for CME certificates: Tuesday, 28 June 2022, 23:59 CEST.
For more details regarding sessions’ evaluation and certificates, please consult the congress website:
General congress evaluation Besides evaluating the sessions, we would appreciate your feedback regarding the congress 2022 in general. An evaluation survey will be sent out to all the participants right after the congress – please keep an eye out for that and let us know how your Europe 2022 experience was.