by Busra Durmus, Antwerpen, Belgium
First of all, I would like to thank EAN for giving me the opportunity to do an EAN Research Fellowship in Amsterdam UMC in the Neuroinfectious group. I also want to thank Prof. van de Beek and Dr. Brouwer for their useful and professional input. I appreciate their enthusiastic attitude and scientific insights within neuroinfectiology.
Unfortunately, the fellowship was overshadowed by the COVID-19 pandemic situation. This made it impossible to do clinical work, however I totally focused on my research project which was and still is a unique project.
Thanks to this project I optimised my skills in neuro-imaging since I assessed more than 400 CT and MRI brain scans of approximately 200 patients with bacterial meningitis and cerebral infarction. This will be the largest patient population with bacterial meningitis and cerebral infarction, and I am sure I would not have been able to work on such a project elsewhere in Europe.
I hope that my project will give rise to other projects by expanding the current project or by creating new research objects.