Registration is now open for the OneNeurology European Summit, taking place virtually on Friday, 17 December at 10:00 CET via the Conference+ platform.
The summit will feature high-level speakers and panellists, including Dr. Janez Poklukar (Minister of Health, Slovenia), Dr. Hans Kluge (Director, WHO Europe), John F. Ryan (Director, Public Health, Country Knowledge, Crisis Management, DG SANTE), Dr. Tarun Dua (Head, Brain Health Unit, WHO), Katie Dain (CEO, Non-Communcable Disease Alliance), Dr Elena Becker-Barroso (Editor-in-Chief, Lancet Neurology), Barbara Kerstiens (Head of Unit, Combatting Disease, DG SANTE)and MEPs Dolors Montserrat and Katerina Konecna.
They will be joined by representatives of EFNA and EAN including Presidents, Joke Jaarsma and Prof. Claudio Bassetti – along with Prof. Wolfgang Grisold, President Elect at the World Federation of Neurology.
The event will be a timely opportunity to discuss European implementation of the WHO’s Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders, due to be approved at the World Health Assembly in May 2022, as well as the European Commission’s forthcoming policy roadmap targeting individual non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
For more information and to register, visit and click on the pink ‘register now’ button, which will take you to the event platform:
Once you sign up, don’t forget to download and save the calendar invite. You will only be able to log-in on to the platform on the morning of the event.