The EAN Education Committee has received numerous applications for the 2022 Research Fellowship and we are happy to announce and introduce the recipients below.

We would like to encourage all neurologists who are still in their residency to apply for future fellowships and take advantage of this opportunity, not only for the financial support, but for the possibility to get to know experts, see how they work, and become part of the wider EAN networking community for your future career.
The recipients of the 2022 Research Fellowship are as follows:
(in alphabetical order)
Research Training Fellowship:
Pedro Coelho from Portugal was selected for his project: Histopathological characterization of cerebral small vessel disease in epilepsy patients – a case-control study, which he will carry out at the Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands – under the supervision of Prof. Eleanora Aronica.
Antonio Farina from Italy was selected for his project: Genetic predisposition, inflammation and neurodegeneration biomarkers in patients with neurological adverse events of immune checkpoint inhibitors: correlation with clinical phenotypes and outcome, which he will carry out at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon, France – under the supervision of Prof. Jérôme Honnorat.
Rauan Kaiyrzhanov from Kazakhstan was selected for his project: Hereditary Ataxia and Huntington’s disease in Central Asia: Investigating frequency, clinical phenotype, and genetics, which he will carry out at the UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK – under the supervision of Prof. Henry Houlden.
Stefano Masciocchi from Italy was selected for his project: A comparison of NMDAR-specific antibody characteristics across healthy controls, patients with primary psychiatric diseases and NMDAR-antibody encephalitis, which he will carry out at the Oxford Autoimmune Neurology Group, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, UK – under the supervision of Prof. Sarosh Irani.
Aglaia Vakrakou from Greece was selected for her project: Investigating the phenotype of B-cells and cells of the myeloid lineage in patients with tumefactive demyelinating lesions, which she will carry out at the Institut für Neuropathologie Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany – under the supervision of Prof. Christine Stadelmann-Nessler.
Research Experience Fellowship:
Tatia Gakharia from Georgia was selected for her five-month project: The role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in various types of epilepsy in children, which she will carry out at the Evelina Children’s Hospital, Kings Health Partners Academic Health Science Centre, London, UK – under the supervision of Dr. Ming Lim.
Daniel Navin Olschewski, from Germany was selected for his six-month project: The generation of human pluripotent stem cell-based cerebral organoids in combination with primary human microglia for modelling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which he will carry out at the Department of Clinical Neurosciences & Neurology Unit University of Cambridge, UK – under the supervision of Dr. András Lakatos.
Costanza Maria Rapillo from Italy was selected for her six-month project: Moving from CT to MRI in acute ischemic stroke: benefits and flaws from a single centre experience, which she will carry out at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois – CHUV, Service de Neurologie, Lausanne, Switzerland – under the supervision of Dr. Patrik Michel.
Prejaas Tewarie from the Netherlands was selected for his three-month project: Potential trajectories for recovery of neocortical activity in disorders of consciousness, which he will carry out at the Department of Information and Communications Technologies, computational neuroscience group, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain – under the supervision of Dr. Gustavo Deco.
The Research Fellowship website will provide interested applicants with a deeper insight into the different types of fellowship, the selection process and useful tips on how to prepare your application, plus other interesting features.
New Applications can be mailed throughout the entire year and will automatically be considered for the next application round for 2023.
The next application deadline is August 31, 2022
The Research Fellowship is supervised and reviewed by the EAN Education Committee together with topic-specific Scientific panels