Case series/case reports (Indigo)
The objective of this study was to estimate the frequency of headache in patients with confirmed COVID-19 and characterize the phenotype of headache attributed to COVID-19, comparing patients depending on sex and the need for hospitalization. The authors systematically screened all eligible patients from a reference population of 261,431 between March 8 (first case) and April 11, 2020. A physician administered a survey assessing demographic and clinical data and the phenotype of the headache. During the study period, 2194 patients out of the population at risk were diagnosed with COVID-19. Headache was described by 514/2194 patients (23.4%, 95% CI 21.7-25.3%), including 383/1614 (23.7%) outpatients and 131/580 (22.6%) inpatients. The headache phenotype was studied in detail in 458 patients (mean age, 51 years; 72% female; prior history of headache, 49%). Headache was the most frequent first symptom of COVID-19. Median headache onset was within 24 h, median duration was 7 days and persisted after 1 month in 13% of patients. Pain was bilateral (80%), predominantly frontal (71%), with pressing quality (75%), of severe intensity. Systemic symptoms were present in 98% of patients. Headache frequency and phenotype was similar in patients with and without need for hospitalization and when comparing male and female patients, being more intense in females.
García-Azorín D, Sierra Á, Trigo J, Alberdi A, Blanco M, Calcerrada I, Cornejo A, Cubero M, Gil A, García-Iglesias C, Lozano AG, Martínez Badillo C, Montilla C, Mora M, Núñez G, Paniagua M, Pérez C, Rojas M, Ruiz M, Sierra L, Hurtado ML, Guerrero Peral ÁL. Frequency and phenotype of headache in covid-19: a study of 2194 patients. Sci Rep. 2021 Jul 19;11(1):14674. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-94220-6.