Author: Professor Tissa Wijeratne MD FRACP ( Chair, World Brain day, World Federation of Neurology) & Professor Wolfgang Grisold MD ( Secretary-General, World Federation of Neurology)

The eighth World brain day (WBD) on July 22, 2021 moves to stop multiple sclerosis. The World Federation of Neurology and Multiple Sclerosis International Federation teamed up on this ambitious agenda to stop multiple sclerosis as the theme throughout 2021.
Multiple sclerosis affects 2.8 million people globally. Early diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is critically important. Early treatment with disease modifying therapies (DMT) culminate in excellent control of the underlying disease. The aim of DMT is to achieve “no evidence of disease activity” NEDA . Current therapeutic interventions led to significant reduction in relapses in MS and disability.
The most recent edition of MS atlas reports data from 115 countries with alarming statistics of unmet needs , barriers ad lack of access to therapeutics in many countries.
World brain day is one of the key global advocacy activities of the World Federation of Neurology with immense impact as the campaign reach across over fifty million people annually. Every year, the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) celebrates World Brain Day on July 22 ( It was on July 22 1957, the WFN was established), but each year our focus is on a different theme. The WFN chooses a topic and promotes the WBD by providing material ( press release templates, social media banners and messages, videos, slide deck and more) to their members. For several topics, the WFN has collaborated with other international organisations.
For the WBD the WFN , with it’s 122 members, plan many activities across the world including webinars, seminars,news paper articles, radio and television programs and other media activities. Member countries are encouraged to celebrate, endorse and promote the WBD in their own country and report on their activities.
There will be global webinar on July 22 2021 with a live question and answer session for the global audience.
EAN pages readers are warmly invited to join the webinar and pre register here.
Our primary focus is for the EAN pages readers join us in this ambitious advocacy campaign for the following five key messages as this is critical to change these alarming statistics.
Key Messages
Disability: Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating neurological disease that impacts every aspect of a person’s life, with effects ranging from cognitive impairment to significant physical disability.
Prevalence: 2.8 million people of all ages globally are affected by MS, and someone receives this life-altering diagnosis every five minutes.
Education: We must work with health care professionals to recognise the signs and symptoms of MS so people can be diagnosed early and effectively treated.
Access to Treatment: Disease-modifying treatments slow disease progression, dramatically improving the quality of life for those living with MS, yet access to these medications is unavailable in many parts of the world.
Advocacy: We can stop MS by diagnosing earlier, providing better access to life-changing treatments, and advocating for improving the quality of life for those living with MS and their caregivers.
You can access the world brain day 2021 toolbox here.
The WFN World Brain Day committee and social media team offer continuous support. You can contact us for additional support or We want you all to be part of this campaign and making difference to our patients lives.