The European Medicines Agency’s annual report 2019 is now available on the Agency’s website.
For the first time, the report is available in a digital version. You can navigate through the digital content and explore certain topics in more depth, for example through interviews and short videos. The digital version also includes an interactive timeline of the Agency’s main activities in 2019.
The first part of the report draws attention to some of the Agency’s main initiatives and challenges, including the successful relocation to Amsterdam, the development and finalisation of the ‘regulatory science strategy to 2025’, the recommendations developed by EMA and national competent authorities on big data in medicines regulation and the response to the discovery of nitrosamine impurities in medicines.
The second part is dedicated to key figures, including core statistics that summarise the main outcomes of EMA’s regulatory procedures and activities, as well as trends and changes observed in recent years. More statistical information about EMA can be found in a print-ready version in pdf format that is published alongside the digital annual report.