After the COVID-19 outbreak was accepted as a pandemic with the statement made by the World Health Organization, the world medical oganizations, together with our Ministry of Health, started to make statements about the prevalence of the disease, its symptoms, methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment approaches. As the data on pandemic have increased, the effects of the disease on other systems have begun to be understood. The World Federation of Neurology (WFN), the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), and the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) are publishing reports on the neurological findings that may arise from COVID-19 and prevention and treatment approaches in the COVID-19 era in neurological diseases. As Turkish Neurological Society (TNS), we try to provide necessary information support to our members and patients in the light of current scientific data.
In this process in our country TNS COVID-19 Commission has been established in order to provide accurate and effective information to the field of science about COVID-19 and its neurological signs and symptoms, the most frequently reported cerebrovascular disease conditions associated with COVID-19, and the approach to treatment. The TNS COVID-19 Commission also supports the necessary organizations and supports our members who have been in need, and cooperate with them (Commission Presidents: Prof. Serefnur Ozturk, Prof. Mehmet Akif Topcuoglu). The survey, which was prepared by the EAN COVID-19 Task Force and implemented by EAN, attracted interest from our members. In order to obtain data on the frequency and characteristics of neurological symptoms of COVID-19 disease in Turkey, multicenter TNS-COVID-19 Registry was created and it started data retrieval. The review prepared by the TNS-COVID-19 Commission to raise awareness and knowledge about the neurological effects of COVID-19 for neurologists and other disciplines and the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the monitoring and treatment of neurological diseases, and the management of this process was published in the Turkish Journal of Neurology.

Prof. Serefnur Ozturk
President of Turkish Neurological Society
Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Neurology
Konya Turkey