The urgent need for coordination of research efforts and strong EU leadership in health research embedded in a European Council for Health Research have been identified as key policy topics during the BioMed Alliance Spring meeting.
The BioMed Alliance sent and open letter signed by 48 Members of the European Parliament and health organisations. The open letter calls for strong European leadership in health research and for better coordination of health research efforts across Europe.
The open letter is the result of our discussions with MEP Petra de Sutter and the advocacy and communication project is coordinated by the BioMed Alliance. Thanks to our long-term engagement and collaboration with decision makers and stakeholders, we were able to join forces with key MEPs and relevant health stakeholders to address some of the most urgent issues in health research such as: the lack of EU leadership, the absence of a coordinated system to link synergies and fragmentation and silos in health research.
Considering that the European Commission is redrafting parts of Horizon Europe to reflect ‘lessons learned’ during the pandemic, this is a timely advocacy & communication initiative to call for a credible body, in a form of a European Council for Health Research. This body should be responsible for designing and implementing a roadmap for health research and for linking newly acquired knowledge to a pan-European health policy.
The letter was sent to the EC representatives, picked up by Politico and Dods, promoted via social media (@Biomedalliance and LinkedIn), and numerous MEPs have joined our campaign and promoted the letter via their channels.