The study is funded by the European Commission and the first results will be used as input for a meeting of Ministries of Health in the EU in July 2020 under the current German EU Presidency, and addressing the future governance for primary and secondary use of health data, also in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The survey will be open until Thursday 9 July 2020 midnight and via the following link:
Depending on your preference, the survey may take approximately between 15-20 minutes to complete. Your input will be treated confidentially and answers in the final report will be formulated in such way that they cannot be traced back to individual institutions or persons. As examples, the same also applies to types of institutions per country, as the answers depending on types of institution where people work or the country where they reside will only be reported separately, and not in combination.
Thank you for taking the time to consider helping. For any questions, please reach out to: