The #BrainLifeGoals campaign is an initiative of the European Federation of Neurological Associations [EFNA] that aims to raise awareness of the impact of neurological disorders.
In 2020, in the framework of our #BrainLifeGoals campaign, EFNA is once again providing grants to support work on one of our chosen advocacy themes. This year’s focus is on:
Ensuring Equitable Access to Treatment, Services and Support for Neurology Patients and their Carers
Access to treatment is one of the central #BrainLifeGoals of many neurology patients, and we want to help make that a reality across Europe! EFNA will provide 10 grants of €3,000 each to selected organisations, working to address this theme.
26 applications were received from across Europe, all featuring exciting projects.
The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) supported this initiative through the participation of board member, David Vodušek, in the judging panel.
We are delighted to announce that the projects as #BrainLifeGoals Project Grant recipients in 2020 are:
- Dystonia
Europe – #JumpforDystonia2020
Deutschland e.V. – Raising
Awareness about Undiagnosed ADHD in Women
- European
Huntington Association –
Healthe-rnd communication
- The
Brain & Spine Foundation (UK) – #BrainCareNow
- Neurological
Alliance Of Ireland –
‘Making Our Asks A Reality’ – A Three part Documentary Series
– Greek Carers Network –
Caring for Carers: Access to services and support for family caregivers of
people with mental health needs
- European
HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: Global Proliferation of Motor-cognitive exercise
with Limited Evidence and Expertise – Safety Implications
Ireland – ADHD
Understanding for Educators
- Federacion
Espanola de Parkinson –
Training programme for engagement in research for people living with
Parkinson’s disease
- Hellenic
Alliance/Action for Stroke –
FAST 112 HEROES: Patient engagement in educational stroke awareness for
kids in the Greek language.
Click on any of the winning projects listed for further detail.
Congratulations to all awardees!
We’ll keep you updated on
the projects’ progress throughout the year.
EFNA would like to extend sincere thanks to our judging panel for giving their
time to assessing all applications. They are:
- David Vodusek, European Academy of Neurology
- Neil Betteridge, European Alliance for Patient Access
- Vinciane Quoidbach, European Brain Council
- Stephanie Ludwig, Roche
- David Elvira, Sanofi
- Jenny Baker, EFNA Secretary General