Since 2018, EAN gives 60 neurologists in training the chance to increase their knowledge of clinical neurology. The basic idea is to illustrate and showcase how experienced neurologists and sub-specialists approach specific clinical presentations, including an update on relevant diagnostic and treatment approaches for key conditions in the relevant areas.
The course will be structured in plenary sessions for all participants in the morning and hands-on/interactive or case-based sessions in the afternoons (20 participants per course, rotating); including patient input where possible.
The programme for the third EAN Autumn School will be scheduled for 3 consecutive days, covering topics of “Stiffness, Eye movement disorders and Muscle weakness”, with contributions from international experts and local experts from Greece.
Like all EAN educational programmes and grants, this School is to support and EAN individual members and RRFS members
Application Deadline: 31 July 2020
Please find more detailed information on application procedure and eligibility here, as well as a preliminary programme.
“We are monitoring the situation in Greece very cautiously, have regular contact with the local facility and are aware of sudden changes in the restrictions due to healthcare situation and the COVID-19 Pandemic. If changes occur, we will inform all involved faculty and participants immediately.”
We look forward to receiving your application documents and wishing you success to be part of this exciting event this autumn in Greece!