Madrid, 20th April 2020
From the Spanish Society of Neurology, it is our pleasure to share with our European colleagues the Handbook on COVID-19 management for Neurologists. The evidence of the Neurological consequences of the infection is still scarce. However, many neurologists have been obligated to face the virus or to join the multidisciplinary teams.
We created this short handbook that includes a description of the virus, its epidemiology, pathophysiology, the clinical presentations of the virus and other similar coronaviruses. It summarizes the information from the Spanish Registry of Neurological manifestations of COVID-19, including 131 different presentations to date.
Finally, it also deals about the practical management of the disease, including the principles of the general treatment, management of the neurological complications, and the interaction between neurological treatments and the most frequently used COVID-19 drugs.
Only together we can make a difference in this pandemic.
On behalf of the Spanish Society of Neurology
David García-Azorín
SSN International Affairs Section
David Ezpeleta
SSN Secretary
Jose Miguel Láinez
SSN President