The winners of the #EAN2020 challenge on Twitter and Instagram during the Virtual Congress have been selected.
During the Virtual Congress, all public posts on Twitter and Instagram with #EAN2020 entered to win a free registration for the 2021 congress in Vienna.
All winners have been notified via email or social media.

I have seen it several times, for example when I was at the respective congresses of the German Society for Neurology and Psychiatry in 2018. Very small babies sometimes even come into the sessions and sleep through them. What a modern picture. Everything is possible!
Is really everything possible? No, of course not quite. Some people find it disturbing. As of 2018 there was not a single changing table at Messe Berlin (with the exception of the congress KiTa).
I then dared to go to the neurologists’ congress of @dgn_ev 2019 in Stuttgart for the first time and took the children with me. It was fantastic. The supervisors are professionals, the children had so much fun and I learned a lot. Without the care offer I probably wouldn’t have gone there for the whole congress.
In that sense, I was really happy to see that even the virtual European neurologists congress #ean2020 from @eaneurology has set up an online “Junior Suite”. There you can read aloud, solve puzzles or do handicrafts. In English, but the children found it interesting. And the sign of compatibility that the organizers set with it, that counts.
How do you handle childcare during the training? Or if there are no children: do you mind if children are present for the training?