This year, everything was different with the EAN Virtual Congress. Under normal circumstances, there would have been two teams competing in front of a live audience, who could vote themselves via the congress app and actively participate in the Quiz.
In order to still present the 16 cases (Challenges) the committee has selected, the EAN BrainChallenge also went virtual – as a four-day online quiz.
We are very happy to announce that 1581 people participated in the online game, and that 680 people finished all 16 challenges. Out of these, 24 have finished all 16 challenges without a mistake.
We want to congratulate the winner with the highest score of 8570 points to a free congress registration for the 7th EAN congress next year in Vienna, June 19-22, 2021:
Julia Poljakova from Zilina, Slovakia “CONGRATULATIONS”
The other 23 persons, who have also finished without making a mistake, but with less points will also receive a prize and contacted in the next days.

Alexandru Gasnas, Jesus Alberto, Mária Ondrušová, Anna Alekseeva, Gabriela Mafra, Francesco Paolo Bonifacio, Martina Parizkova, Marie Préel, Petala Ribeiro, Fathi Abokalawa, Allan Barcena, Katrin Koziol, Khengaoui El hadj, Zuzana Tomasova, Paulo Victor Sgobbi Souza, Mohamed Khalil, Saikat Ghosh, Patricia Tian, Ifeanyi Paul Paul-Orekie Paweł Kram, Shahedah Koya Kutty, Jean-Loup Méreaux, Milica Jecmenica Lukic
We hope you enjoyed the BrainChallenge and look forward to welcoming you in person next year in Vienna, where a local team will compete against an international team.
We also would like to thank all those who submitted cases for the EAN BrainChallenge.
(in alphabetical order)
Noa Bregman, Scientific Panel on Higher Cortical Functions
Yildiz Degirmenci, Scientific Panel Dementia and Cognitive Disorders, Movement disorders
Giancarlo Di Gennaro, Scientific Panel on Epilepsy
Rita Formisano, Scientific Panel on Coma Coma and chronic disorders of consciousness
Nina Forss, Scientific Panel on Neuro-critical care
Davide Garcia Azorin, EAN Teaching course sub-committee
Dan Healy, Programme Committee
Alicja Kalinowska, Scientific Panel on Multiple Sclerosis
Ekaterina Kondratyeva, Scientific Panel on Coma and chronic disorders of consciousness
Gian Luigi Lenzi, Scientific Panel on Stroke
Alessandra Morano, Scientific Panel on Epilepsy
Flavio Nobili, Scientific Panel on Dementia and Cognitive Disorders
Viktoria Papp, RRFS, BrainChallenge Task force
Simona Petrescu, Scientific Panel on Neuro-critical care
Simona Sacco, Scientific Panel on Stroke
Riccardo Soffietti , Scientific Panel on Neuro-oncology
Michael Strupp, Scientific Panel on Neuro-ophthalmology
Emilia Tauriala, Finland
Svetlana Tomic, Scientific Panel on Movement Disorders
Nataliya Yavorska, Scientific Panel on Neuropathies
And the EAN BrainChallenge Task Force:
David Garcia Azorin
Theodor Landis
Viktoria Papp
Claudia Sommer Marie Vidailhet