Colourful schedule with different names and times reveals very little about what is actually going on behind the scenes. The EAN Headoffice has been buzzing with preparations for the Virtual Congress. But how does it look during the Congress? The 22 members of the EAN Headoffice Vienna Team are currently fuelling themselves up on caffeine and working tirelessly from behind their computer screens to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Tension and stress run almost as high as the caffeine consumption, but everything pays off once the number of registrations hits over 37 000 people and the on-demand viewing is extended until Friday, 29th May due to high demand. The team members concentrated faces are engulfed in numerous screens, but they still manage to find time to help each other out when technical hiccups occur. Everyone is learning as they go.

Stay up to date for a real life time-lapse of an “average” Virtual Congress day.