Introducing the Scientific Panel of the Month
The Scientific Panels are the backbone of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), as they bring together experts from many different fields from around the world, ensuring that EAN is properly guided in its goal of fostering neurological excellence in Europe.
EAN’s Scientific Panels cover a wide range of subspecialties and have a crucial role in EAN’s initiatives and activities. The panels represent an ideal means of facilitating networking between colleagues and trainees, producing guidelines, creating a congress programme and as a group representing a subspecialty and interests. They meet face-to-face at the EAN annual congress and keep in touch on regular basis to work on different projects.
The aims of the Scientific Panels are:
- to co-ordinate clinical research at a European level
- to disseminate good neurological practice throughout European countries
- to assist the Programme Committee in organising congresses
- to assist the EAN in training neurologists and in supporting continuing medical education
- to produce guidelines according to the latest scientific and evidence levels
- In order to achieve these aims Scientific Panels have the following terms of reference
Visit the EAN website to learn more about the EAN Scientific Panels
In order to give our members a deeper insight into the work of EAN’s Scientific Panels, EANpages will feature a different Scientific Panel each month along with a video interview with its co-chairs, explaining the Scientific Panel’s focus, it’s aims and achievements.
For November, you can watch a video interview with Marie Vidailhet, Chair of the EAN Scientific Committee where she introduces the Scientific Panels and their important role.