EFNA co-hosts World Brain Day events in 4 EU capitals
To celebrate World Brain Day (July 22nd), the European Federation of Neurological Associations [EFNA] co-hosted events in four European capitals – Brussels, Bucharest, Dublin and Warsaw!
The aim of these events was to hear what matters most to neurology patients in terms of their health outcomes – #BrainLifeGoals – and to discuss how this can be better integrated in the policy and decision-making at both the national and EU level.
The Belgian #WorldBrainDay event was hosted by the newly-formed Neurological Patients Alliance Belgium, together with EFNA, the European Brain Council (EBC), the Belgian Brain Council.
The Neurological Alliance of Ireland (NAI), in collaboration with EFNA, held a half-day seminar in Buswells Hotel, Dublin.

#BrainLifeGoals World Brain Day event, Dublin
The event in Poland was celebrated in Warsaw and marked the launch of the Polish Brain Plan prepared by Foundation Neuropozytywni, in collaboration with the Polish Brain Council, Polish Neurological Society, Lazarski University and DZP law firm.
The theme of World Brain Day 2019 was migraine. At the event held in Bucharest, the Association for Patients affected by Neurological Disorders in Romania (APAN), focused on this theme.
Magdalen Rogers, NAI Executive Director, said
“We in the Neurological Alliance are delighted to be part of the #BrainLifeGoals campaign. The focus of our upcoming project is around how Irish people are mobilising the supports available to them in unique ways in order to realise their own brain life goals.
We would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to EFNA for partnering with us on World Brain Day and making our event a success. We look forward to working with them on the Brain Life Goals campaign and into the future.”
EFNA is extremely grateful to our colleagues at the Neurological Patients Alliance Belgium, the Neurological Association of Ireland, Foundation Neuropozytywni and APAN Romania for coordinating these highly successful World Brain Day events – a tremendous example of collaboration among neurology patient groups. EFNA looks forward to working with these groups on further advocacy projects in the future.

#BrainLifeGoals World Brain Day event, Bucharest
You can read a complete report on the day’s events here: https://www.efna.net/efna-co-hosts-world-brain-day-events-in-4-eu-capitals/