BioMed Alliance
November 2018
The BioMed Alliance’s General Assembly held on 21st of November, was a successful meeting covering topics such as:
- elections and revision of the BioMed Alliance’s mission and internal rules
- update on the BioMed Alliance’s activities
- the role of the BioMed Alliance in the EU health arena
- a session dedicated to the Horizon Europe to the Steering Board for Health.
The BioMed Alliance’s mission and internal rules have been adopted by the General Assembly. The new mission will allow the BioMed Alliance to act as a unified voice for its members and to present their views in a cohesive and comprehensible form to policymakers, and the public at large. Following the new mission, the BioMed Alliance’s principal goals and objectives are to promote the best interests and values of researchers and of healthcare professionals, organised in non-for-profit scientific medical associations and organisations across all medical disciplines in Europe, in those general areas where common interest is identified.
Regarding the elections, the BioMed Alliance has elected Prof. Wilfried Ellmeier as the new President-elect. Prof. Gunhild Waldemar was re-elected to serve an additional mandate as a Board of Directors’ member and Treasurer to the BioMed Alliance.
Also, the BioMed Alliance’s BofD will have two new elected members: Prof. B. Koletzko proposed by the United European Gastroenterology and Prof. E. Macintyre proposed by the European Haematology Association.
The Steering Board for Health is a mechanism aiming to coordinate health programmes and health missions under Horizon Europe, guide applicants and create greater visibility for European health research programmes. It is proposed by the European Parliament following a sustained campaign embarked by the BioMed Alliance. You can find more information on the BioMed Alliance’s website.
The BioMed Alliance’s General Assembly was attended by 35 delegates representing 22 member societies and by wide-range of stakeholders from European Parliament, UEMS, EFPIA and EPF.