Regional Teaching Course (RTC) in Struga, Macedonia
September 14th – 16th, 2018
The Regional Teaching Course of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) took place from 14th to 16th of September 2018 in Struga, Macedonia and was hosted by the Macedonian Neurology Society. The teaching course was organised by the EAN and was endorsed by the European Stroke Organization. The course was also supported by the Macedonian Ministry of Health, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Medical Faculty, Macedonian Medical Chamber, Macedonian Physicians Society and the University Clinic of Neurology.
129 participants (residents and specialists in Neurology and related disciplines) attended the RTC. Besides doctors from Macedonia, we had a pleasure to host colleagues from Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Turkey, Sweden and USA. The invited speakers for the course were 14 eminent experts from Europe: Vida Demarin (Croatia), Bojana Zvan (Slovenia), Francesca Romana Pezzella and Antonio Federico from Italy, Jera Kruja (Albania), Heather Angus Lappen (UK), Ruta Mameniskiene (Lithuania), David Garcia Azorin (Spain), Milija Mijajlovic (Serbia) and Fabienne Perren (Switzerland). Local speakers included Anita Arsovska,
Emilija Cvetkovska, Ivan Barbov and Igor Kuzmanovski.

From left to right: Anita Arsovska (Macedonia), Ruta Mameniskiene (Lithuania), Emilija Cvetkovska (Macedonia), Heather Angus Lappen (Italy), Antonio Federico (Italy), Vida Demarin (Croatia), Venko Filipche (Minister of Health of R. Macedonia), Jera Kruja (Albania), Bojana Zvan (Slovenia), Dennis Dietrich (USA), Francesca Romana Pezzella (Italy) )
The EAN RTC was officially opened by Dr. Venko Filipche, Minister of Health of R. Macedonia who welcomed the participants and expressed the continuous support of the Ministry of Health to education, highlighting the academic excellence of this course.

From left to right: Emilija Cvetkovska (Macedonia), Venko Filipche (Minister of Health of R. Macedonia), Anita Arsovska (Macedonia)
During the three days of the EAN-RTC, the following topics were covered: stroke, epilepsy and mixed topics (anticoagulation therapy in stroke, neurosonology, multiple sclerosis and familial transthyretin amyloid polyneuropathy). Our speakers delivered very interesting and useful lectures in their field of expertise, providing detailed insight into the practical aspects of these conditions’ contemporary diagnosis and treatment.
The venue was in the beautiful and charming town of Struga, lying on the shore of lake Ohrid.
The first day of the course was dedicated to STROKE and was endorsed by the European Stroke Organisation (ESO).
Professor Demarin (Croatia) presented an overview of Healthy lifestyle and stroke prevention. 09:30 – Healthy lifestyle and stroke prevention. Treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage-an update was delivered by Professor Zvan (Slovenia). Pezzela (Italy) discussed the “Optimal medical treatment for carotid stenosis” and Professor Federico gave a talk on “Inherited brain small vessel diseases: from bench to bed and contrary”. The afternoon workshops were very interesting and interactive, and the participants had the opportunity to learn more about Telemedicine and stroke, delivered by Professor Zvan, who is also founder of the Telestroke network in Slovenia. Professor Demarin showed us the importance and influence of art in the process of recovery after stroke and Professor Pezzella gave practical advice on “Strategies to improve in hospital workflow for acute stroke treatment”.

Participants of EAN RTC in Struga, Macedonia
The second day of the course was dedicated to EPILEPSY.
Professor Angus Leppan (UK) started the second day with the lecture devoted to Frontal lobe epilepsy. Professor Kruja (Albania) talked about two interesting entities: Temporal and temporal plus epilepsies. Professor Mameniskiene (Lithuania) demonstrated the most recent knowledge about Autoimmune encephalitis, with an emphasis on its treatment. The session continued with a lecture of Professor Cvetkovska (Macedonia) who talked about “Parietal lobe epilepsy”.
The representative of Residents and Research Fellows Section of the EAN, Dr. David Garcia Azorin (Spain) gave several important tips and advise on how to start a career as junior neurologist in Europe. All delegates had a chance to learn about the numerous possibilities that are offered by the European Academy of Neurology as educational and research grants to its young members.
The practical workshops in the afternoon session were very productive and interactive. Participants had the opportunity to hear about Seizure semiology, delivered by Professor Angus Leppan (UK), Women and epilepsy by Professor Mamenskiene (Lithuania) and “First seizure and the treatment decision” by Professor Kruja (Albania).

Interactive workshops during EAN- RTC in Struga, Macedonia

Participants of EAN RTC in Struga, Macedonia
The third day of the EAN RTC was devoted to MIXED TOPICS.
Professor Arsovska (Macedonia), Chair of the EAN-RTC in Struga, started the third day with a presentation of an overview of anticoagulation therapy in stroke patients. Professor Perren (Switzerland) presented “The role of sonolysis and sonothrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke”. Than Ass. Professor Mijajlovic (Serbia), EAN Representative and member of the Teaching Course Sub-Committee of EAN delivered a lecture on “Transcranial brain parenchyma sonography in neuropsychiatric diseases”. Dr Barbov, (Macedonia) talked about “Transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy” and the session was concluded with the lecture of Dr Kuzmanovski (Macedonia) who presented the “Diagnostic protocol of Multiple Sclerosis”.
The EAN Regional Teaching Course was accredited by the Macedonian Medical Chamber and Macedonian Physicians’ Society. Those participants who successfully passed the final exam received a separate EAN certificate.
This regional teaching course was an excellent opportunity to listen to great lectures, meet the faculty, exchange ideas, acquire additional knowledge, learn new things and provide a solid platform for future collaboration.
We are very grateful to the European Academy of Neurology for providing this opportunity and wish to express sincere gratitude to the Faculty and all the participants who contributed to make this event successful.

Faculty and participants at the Ohrid lake
Your sincerely
Professor Anita Arsovska, FESO, SAFE Board member
University Clinic of Neurology, Medical Faculty, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia