Prof. David B. Vodušek, Slovenia
former chair of the EAN Communication Committee
How do you see the role of the Communication Committee (CC) within the overall work of the EAN?
Prof. David B. Vodušek (DV): In principle, communication is at the basis of the functioning of a society, both within, and with partners or the various publics.
The main communicators of a society are its president, the members of the board and, the executive director. The CC is more a think tank, an initiator, a follow-upper, and a workhorse tackling all the various communication agenda.
I believe the CC should be intrinsically involved in – informed about – all work of the board and all other committees, as it has to look after the communication agenda as mentioned above. If any communication related to EAN goes wrong, it is the responsibility of the CC. (Meaning, that it has to propose setting up such a system of communication that most mistakes can be prevented).
In my opinion, the CC has in these first years of the EAN, been successful helping to establish such a system, and, furthermore, formalized links with most of the European and international partner societies relevant to EAN. However, there is much to be done to improve the existing working links with EAN’s institutional members, i.e. the European National Neurological Societies.
What do you consider the main achievement of the Communication Committee under your leadership?
DV: CC has instigated and brought to a successful finalization several formalized agreements (called Memoranda of Understanding) with partner societies within the field of interest of neurology, both scientific, professional or – last but not least – with EFNA and Alzheimer’s Europe, associations of patients and carers. It has furthermore contributed to the establishment of representatives of partner societies within several other EAN committees and/or scientific panels. The contacts with partner societies now have an active interface that should allow for continuous exchange of information and facilitate cooperation.
What is your wish for the future of the committee?
DV: I have certainly exchanged data on and thoughts about past and future work of CC with my successor, Professor Dafin Muresanu, but it is his duty now to lead the CC. My wish is that he finds as cooperative a board as I had one in my time. In a friendly and cooperative atmosphere, it is a joy to work.
Thank you Prof. Vodušek!