The EAN has currently only 8 honorary members, the 6 members of the transition task force (Claudio Bassetti, Jacques De Reuck, José Ferro, Detlef Kömpf, Gustave Moonen, and Gunhild Waldemar), and the founding presidents of the two mother societies (Franz Gerstenbrand and the late Peter K. Thomas). Besides, former honorary members of the EFNS and of the ENS have the same privileges than honorary members of the EAN, i.e. they receive a status of Fellows of the EAN, have not to pay any membership fee, and have free registration to the congress.
The board of the EAN has decided that every year a maximum of 3 new honorary members will be appointed. Honorary members should preferably (with possible exceptions for non-European persons) be full individual members of the EAN. They may have 3 different profiles: (i) people at the end of their career or newly retired, acknowledged because their lifelong research activity led to major improvements in neurology and in patients’ care; (ii) people of all ages who conducted a research that led to a major change in the management of neurological diseases, and (iii) people who played an outstanding role in the development of neurology, in the domains of education, organisation of neurological care, leadership of societies etc. Nobody can apply for honorary membership, and board members are not eligible while sitting in the board.
In addition EAN has established a new ‘EAN Service Award’ for personalities who have done an outstanding service for EAN.
In 2017, 2 colleagues will become honorary members of the EAN, Prof. Marie-Germaine Bousser (France) and Prof. Raad Shakir (United Kingdom). Prof. Pavel Kalvach (Czech Republic) will receive the EAN Service award. They will be granted during official ceremonies in Amsterdam at the next EAN meeting.
On behalf of our members we would like to congratulate them.
Günther Deuschl Didier Leys
President Secretary General