The First EAN congress took place in Berlin at the CityCube, June 20-23, 2015. 6400 participants from 106 countries were attending 8 Symposia, 25 Teaching courses, 23 Focused workshops, 5 Hands-on courses, 3 Interactive sessions, 5 Special Sessions and showed 1546 posters. Furthermore, 2 Scientific Satellite Symposia took place at the Charité, as well as 17 Industry Satellite Symposia. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
We take it as a message from this congress that our members want us to cover the whole spectrum of neurology and that we need to represent this at the highest level with the most brilliant speakers from all fields. We are happy that the congress was a meeting point of all the subspecialties. Neurology is in the privileged position to have not only a unified voice for Neurology in Europe but also many specialty societies. They emphasize that at the EAN congress the neurological generalist meets the neurological specialist and the specialist can update his/her general neurology knowledge. We thank all our speakers and teachers for their contribution; we thank the program, educational and local organizing committees as well as the EAN Head Office and our PCO Congrex-Switzerland for the preparation and performance at this congress.
But foremost we thank the participants of this meeting which made it lively.
This congress was not only about science, it was an event with many faces, some of which are represented in the following photographs.
photos: © Jens Jeske/