by Gian Luigi Lenzi
Editor in chief: Gian Luigi Lenzi
Co-editors: José Ferro, Christian Krarup, David B. Vodusek
NEUROPENEWS has been published on the 1st of every month through all the year 2013 & 2012 and is planned to be published in the present form through the year 2014, to give EAN BOARD time enough to plan and to finalize eventual minor or major changes the new EAN Board will consider as appropriate.
A proposal for a future EAN Newsblog was sent to the Transition Task Force previously.
In many issues of NEUROPENEWS we have published contributions from our ENS Co-Editors, as well as news from the ENS.
Below table shows the visitor statistics and that the number of visitors is rising constantly:
The number of “visitors” range between 9 and 10 thousands since more than one year. However, the “hits” and the bytes that indicate the time spent on the page are constantly increasing. Our comment is that the auditorium is quite stable, but is becoming more and more interested in the contents.
We have introduced the link to ebrain, in order to publish interesting and didactic neurological cases every month. This has still to be improved, but we see in this section an important part to communicate ebrain online learning programme to all our members through Europe.
It is a fact that the interaction with our peripheral members, young neurologists, neurologist not directly connected with Neurological Institutions and Departments, is still far from what we would have liked.
In order to increase this communication, and to expose Neuropenews facilities and potentialities to the neurological world, we have decided to reserve to Neuropenews a corner of the EFNS booth in Istanbul (D15), with a member of our internal staff to explain and to answer to all possible questions and to facilitate the active participation to our sections, such as Forum. In order to do this, we employ part of the 2013 budget that has been saved by careful internal administration, so no particular budget is requested.
We would like to emphasize that the web world is showing an increasing presence of this kind of newsletters and journals that signal to neurological audience a lot of information, from publications, to regulations, to new drugs or new data on old drugs. The Editors to these web journals range from famous Journals (Science, NEJM, Lancet-Neurology) to Web-Journals (Frontier Neurology Alert), to BIG-PHARMA.
We think that the presence of a fully independent, scientifically based, interactive, non-profit, web-Newsletter will show itself a very important and powerful voice for Neurology in Europe.