Saturday, 31 May 2014 11.00-12.30 – Hamidiye
Brain Disorders: The Communication Challenge
Focus on Traumatic Brain Injury
Communicating effectively with those affected by brain disorders can be challenging. Certain brain disorders restrict the ability of the patient to communicate, listen and absorb information.
This session will take the format of an interactive workshop focussing on how the neurologist can overcome the obstacles to effective communication during consultation, and will include video, debate and the presentation of traumatic brain injury as a case-study from both the physician and patient perspective.
Attendees should leave this session with a greater understanding of the needs of patients and the skills required to communicate and engage in an active and effective manner.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to express their interest in becoming involved in EFNA’s upcoming project on this topic.
11.00hrs: Welcome
The Neurology of Speech and Language
11.05hrs: Introduction
The Communication Challenge
Audrey Craven, President, European Federation of Neurological Associations [EFNA]
Video: From God to Guide
Prof Bas Bloem, Consultant Neurologist
11.30hrs: Case-Study
Communication after Traumatic Brain Injury
The Neurologist Perspective
Dr. Nikolaus Steinhoff, Departemnt of IMCU-Neurology, Hochegg, Austria
The Patient Perspective
Ms. Sigrid Kundela, Austria
Traumatic Brain Injury Patient
12.00hrs: Interactive Debate/Discussion
Panel with Audience Participation
Incl. Call for Expressions of Interest in EFNA Communication Project 2014/2015
12.25hrs: Close