The EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees aim at coordinating different facets of clinical research and good neurological practice at European level. They will play a very important role in the European Academy of Neurology – EAN. We invited the chairpersons of the EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees for their view on the future role of these panels/subcommittees within the EAN.
Interview with Stefan Schwab
Neuropenews: Can you please briefly outline the future role you see for your scientist panel within the European Academy of Neurology.
The aims of the Scientist Panel Critical Care of the EFNS include the preparation of proposals for main topic sessions, for teaching courses and focused workshops at the annual meetings, the establishment of task forces for the development and revision of guidelines and to help coordinate clinical research to improve the standards of neurocritical care throughout Europe. Neurocritical care is one of the fastest growing and important fields in clinical neurology, as it integrates many other subspecialities like stroke, neuroimmunology, neuromuscular disease as well as general critical care medicine. Our goal is to further increase awareness and improve education in neurocritical care. Education and sharing the most relevant questions will be suitable ways to implement this process with participation of the panel/committee. We will bring together researchers and fellows to support their networking and to strengthen young researchers in the field.
Neuropenews: How can Neuropenews contribute and enhance the work of your panel?
Neuropenews is an online monthly updated newsblog which is linked to modern social media like Facebook and Twitter. This newsblog offers numerous interesting opportunities for improving communication between neurologists interested in neurocritical care and to make announcements. It could be used to discuss difficult cases, which can be discussed by posting comments. One of the tasks of the Scientific Panel on neurocritical care is to promote the use of Neuropenews for our group as a platform for discussions and interaction.