The EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees aim at coordinating different facets of clinical research and good neurological practice at European level. They will play a very important role in the European Academy of Neurology – EAN. We invited the chairpersons of the EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees for their view on the future role of these panels/subcommittees within the EAN.

Interview with Erich Schmutzhard & Israel Steiner
Neuropenews: Briefly outline the future role you see for your scientist panel/sub-committee within the European Academy of Neurology.
Neuroinfection is an important aspect both of clinical neurology and of basic neuroscience The EAN and the neuroinfections panel within it includes two very central goals that are important in neuro-infections: 1. “Multidisciplinary collaboration and partnership”, namely to enhance collaboration between different clinical and basic professional disciplines related to the field and 2. “High standards in neurological education throughout Europe”, which means to train young neurologist in this subspecialty. I also think that the guidelines, one of the chief aspects of the EFNS panels’ activity is an important contribution.
Neuropenes: How can Neuropenews contribute and enhance the work of your panel?
Neuropenews should be the platform to advertise the opportunities available for young neurologists in training suchy as fellowships, research grants, etc.