The EAN Board consists of the following 9 members:
1. President (elected)
2. Vice President (elected)
3. Secretary General (elected)
4. Treasurer (elected)
5. Chairperson Programme Committee (appointed)
6. Chairperson Scientific Committee (elected)
7. Chairperson Liaison Committee (elected)
8. Chairperson Education Committee (appointed)
9. Member at Large (elected)
Criteria for President
Candidates must
• be senior European neurologists with extensive experience of clinical neurology, scientific research, management of complex organisations and international collaboration.
• be able to demonstrate skills in negotiating, managing conflict and leading a team.
• be able to devote a minimum of one day a week to the EAN
• be able to travel to the Head Office regularly, preside over the annual congress of the EAN and attend such other meetings as may be necessary to fulfil the role of President from time to time
• declare as conflicts of interest all commercial consultancies and board memberships and any other potential conflicts.
Candidates should not have been members of the EFNS Management Committee or ENS Executive Committee during the 4 years before the date of election nor the President or Secretary General at any time.
The President shall act as chief spokesman and represent the EAN vis-à-vis the public, the press, legislative bodies, the medical community at large and governments of individual states of Europe as well as the bodies of the European Union and international organisations. He/she is responsible for making appointments of members of standing committees and other committees; may appoint EAN representatives to civic, professional and governmental organisations as may be required to execute the business and affairs of the and preside at all meetings of the Board. The President is furthermore the Chairman of the Board. He/she shall present an annual report of the work of the EAN at each annual meeting of the EAN and shall have a casting vote in all resolutions passed in the Board. The President shall have such powers as may be reasonably construed as belonging to the chief executive of any organisation.
Criteria for Other board officers:
Candidates must
• be European neurologists with experience of clinical neurology, scientific research, and international collaboration.
• be able to devote the necessary amount of time to fulfill their tasks within the EAN
• be able to travel to / attend all relevant meetings of the Board or any such other meetings as may be necessary
• declare as conflicts of interest all commercial consultancies and board memberships and any other potential conflicts.
The Vice President shall assist the President with his/her responsibilities in the event of the absence or inability of the President exercise his office and become acting president of the EAN with all the rights, privileges and powers as if he had been the duly elected President.
The Secretary General shall keep and be the official custodian of the minutes and records of the EAN by appropriate means. It shall be his/her duty to arrange for filing of any application or certificate required by any law or statute. He/she shall submit to the Board any communications addressed to him/her as Secretary General of the EAN. In particular, he/she shall attend to all official correspondence of the EAN and shall exercise all further duties incident to the office of Secretary General. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of and be responsible for all funds of the EAN. No special fund or account shall be set aside that shall make it unnecessary for the Treasurer to authorize any payment on behalf of the EAN. He/she shall render, at such periods as the EAN Board shall determine, a written account of the finances of the EAN. The Treasurer shall exercise all further duties incident to the office of Treasurer.
The Member at Large shall have the specific responsibilities that do not lie in the competence of any other member of the Board which have been assigned to it, from time to time, by the President.
The Chair of the Scientific Committee shall be in charge of the duties of the Scientific Committee: To develop recommendations for policies and activities related to all issues of a scientific nature that involve the EAN and its membership; to be responsible for the activities and maintenance of Subspecialty Scientific Panels covering all major areas of clinical neurology. To organise the Subspecialty Scientific Panels and Task Forces.
The Chair of the Liaison Committee shall be in charge of the duties of the Liaison Committee: To be responsible for advising the Board about the communication strategy of the EAN and to assist the Board in liaising with other professional, scientific and lay organizations in the field of neurology in Europe and internationally, as well as with relations of EAN to the European Union and other European Institutions.