At the EFNS/ENS Joint Congress of European Neurology in Istanbul, June 2014, one strong unified European neurological society, the
will be founded.
THE ASSEMBLY OF DELEGATES will be the democratic heart of the EAN: 45 national delegates representing the 45 member nations of the EAN and an equal number of delegates representing the currently 900 individual members.
THE EAN BOARD – 7 elected and two appointed officers: President, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Chairpersons of the Scientific and Liaison Committees and one Member at Large; Congress Programme and Education Committees chairpersons.
THE EAN HEAD OFFICE will be in Vienna, Austria with two branch offices in Brussels, Belgium and Basel, Switzerland.
THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY will be the official publication of the EAN.
THE FIRST EAN CONGRESS will be held in Berlin, Germany in June 2015.
Excellence in Neurology in Europe
- To increase the availability and standards of neurological services
- To advance the development of Neurology
- To encourage collaboration between European national neurological societies
- To support neurological research, encourage research collaboration
- To strengthen the standard, availablility and equality of neurological education
- To raise awareness among the lay public, media, health care providers and other stakeholders, as well as law and policy makers about the burden and cost of neurological disorders and the benefits which clinical neurology can bring
- To collaborate with international, national and regional neurological associations and related international health organisations