The EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees aim at coordinating the different facets of clinical research and good neurological practice at the European level. They will play a very important role in the European Academy of Neurology – EAN. We invited the chairpersons of the EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Sub-committees for their view on the future role of these panels/subcommittees within the EAN.
Interview with Volker Dietz 
ENS Sub-committee on Neurorehabilitation
Neuropenews (NN): Please outline briefly the future role you see for your scientist panel/sub-committee within the European Academy of Neurology.
Volker Dietz (VD): It appears to me important to represent the interests of the subcommittee ‘Neurorehabilitation’ within the European Academy of Neurology. This concerns first, a mutual exchange of ideas between different panel/sub-committees within the Academy, second, to bring new scientific developments and ideas to the attention of a greater neurological audience and, third, to organise meetings about actual topics within the meetings of the Academy. I also hope that ideas of other panel/sub-committees will inspire our scientific work in neurorehabilitation.
NN: How can Neuropenews contribute and enhance the work of your panel?
VD: Neuropenews can provide an up-to-date overview about the actual activities of the sub-committee ‘Neurorehabilitation’. It can serve as a platform for an exchange of ideas and projects. It can enhance the publicity of the scientific work in neurorehabilitation for a broader audience.
NN: Thank you for your time.